
Monday, August 31, 2020

August 31 2020 workout


Today's workout felt great.  I had not hit the Hamstrings in a long time, and decided to throw in some straight leg deadlifts.  I started out the workout with a 15 round HIIT session of sprint/rest rounds.  Here are a couple thoughts on today's lifts and a breakout of the workout below.

Lat pulldowns were wide grip today.  
I did not go super heavy.  
4-5 sets and really focused on contracting the lat muscles.

Dumbbell rows were 4-5 sets.
I did not go as heavy as normal.
Again, focused on contracting the back muscles, literally thinking about it.

I did 4 x 10 sets.
Light weight!
Again, the focus and concentration on the muscle.
Focus on the hamstrings.
Focus on good form, do not arch the back.

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Waino throws a complete game on his 39th birthday

We all might look back at this picture and say "Oh yeah, I remember when they had to wear masks during that year. Man that was a weird year..."

I truly hope that's how we are going to look back at this picture. But what a special day for Adam Wainwright who had his 39th birthday and was able to pitch a complete game and get the win.

I posted an Instagram story that the young baseball players out there need to really pay attention to this guy. He is not a thrower, he is a true pitcher. 

You see so many young guys throwing 95 to 99 mph today. It's all about how hard you throw. But all the best pitchers in every decade have been able to place their pitches where they need them to be. It's never been exactly about how hard you throw. It's absolutely about where you can place your pitches in the zone. 

In this video Adam Wainwright shows you that a back door curveball placed in the correct place will freeze a hitter every time. He lived on that back door curveball today.

Why Yadier Molina should be in the HoF

On Aug 28, 2020 the celebration day within Major League Baseball for Jackie Robinson when all players where #42, the Cardinals, and specifically Yadier Molina pulled off a 3-2-8 double play against the Cleveland Indians.

My case for Yadier Molina making it to the Hall of Fame really isn't rooted in all of the stat lines. Many articles exist out there that have his baseball stats and you will see arguments for him making the Hall of Fame, and arguments against him making the Hall of Fame.

Even though the stats are looked at, weighed upon, and used for the decision-making process I think it is the little things that Yadier Molina has done right that make him a true Hall of Famer. Yadier Molina's abilities as a playmaker as you see in the video is all the evidence I need. His leadership with the Cardinals organization and his proven ability to bring World Championships to Saint Louis has slated him in my mind an MLB Hall of Famer. Let's hope this comes true in a few years!

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Let's Go! Simple Workout 8-27-2020

 "LET'S GO!" was the workout this morning.  Pretty simple HIIT workout.  Three movements:
  1. Sprint on Treadmill
  2. Bicep Curl
  3. Bench Press
Nothing fancy here, I just did 10 rounds of sprints on treadmill 30sec run and 12sec rest.  The alternated between Bicep Curls and Bench Press with only 60 second breaks in between these sets.  I was doing 10-12 reps per set and increasing weight 5-10 lbs per set.  This workout will get your heart rate pumping while also allowing for more body building movements.  Cheers! 

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Baseball Hats on an August Sunday

These were some really dirty hats that wifey did her magic on. See starts out with some mild detergent and some oxy clean. Then they go into the dishwasher for a rinse cycle. Then you ball up some paper napkins, stuff them inside the hats, and put them out on the deck to dry out. It did not take a long time for these hats to dry! Have a great day.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

A morning HIIT workout 8-25-2020


Today in the ShakaOG Gym I did a quick morning HIIT workout.  I am getting back into it after a nice vacation away last week.  Back at it, and it felt pretty good.  Here was the breakdown.  Stay on your grind today!

15 Rounds

1 - Run 30 seconds, Rest 12 seconds
2 - Run 30 seconds, Rest 12 seconds
3 - Run 30 seconds, Rest 12 seconds
4 - Run 30 seconds, Rest 12 seconds
5 - Run 30 seconds, Rest 12 seconds
6 - Kettle Bell Swings 30 seconds, Rest 12 seconds
7 - Run 30 seconds, Rest 12 seconds
8 - Goblet Squats with Dumbbell 30 seconds, Rest 12 seconds
9 - Run 30 seconds, Rest 12 seconds
10 - Kettle Bell Swings 30 seconds, Rest 12 seconds
11 - Run 30 seconds, Rest 12 seconds
12 - Goblet Squats with Dumbbell 30 seconds, Rest 12 seconds
13 - Run 30 seconds, Rest 12 seconds
14 - Kettle Bell Swings 30 seconds, Rest 12 seconds
15 - Run 30 seconds, Rest 12 seconds

Monday, August 24, 2020

Baseball Practice Session 8-24-20

We got out of the house around 4:30 and got out on the field for a much needed practice. We'd been on vacation so he has not hit in awhile. He took some good hacks for not hitting for over a week. I am a firm believer that you have to get your swings in no matter what. Your brain needs that repetition. You have to keep the rust off.

We also stretched out his arm a bit. Worked on catcher's throws to second base and third base. We have a team practice tomorrow. This is our life in the time of Covid!

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Sunday Family Lunch at Rio Grande

I've been missing these little beauties from Rio Grande MX Cocina. These are fried tacos that they make for me. 

Since the Corona quarantine, we had not been back in that restaurant physically for sixth months. It was nice to sit down inside and enjoy some good Mexican food. You can check them out here: 

4 Hit Day For Yadier Molina

I am watching the Cards play against the Reds today in the Corona Season 2020. Yadier had been out recovering from the Covid-19 virus that he contacted. He is back now and just got his 4th hit of the game in the 7th inning. Pictured is his fourth hit of the game, and one of his patented opposite field hits. Glad he is back playing right now.

Pulling for a guy like Harrison Bader


Last night I watched the Cardinals play the Reds.  They were in control for most of the game and ended up winning 3-0.  Harrison Bader hit a home run in the game and had a couple of hits.  He stayed inside the ball very well yesterday.  The home run he hit was to right-center, which is always a good sign that right-handed player is staying inside the ball.  I am pulling for the guy.  Seems like he is really working hard to become a better hitter.  

I first paid attention to this guy in a Spring Training game back in 2018 in Jupiter, Florida.  Bader was diving all over centerfield and had two diving catches in the game. His speed is exceptional and so is his defense in the outfield which is why he is getting the chance to be an everyday player.  Hopefully, he continues to improve his hitting skills.  This is going to be fun watching the rest of this "Covid Season".