
Tuesday, August 25, 2020

A morning HIIT workout 8-25-2020


Today in the ShakaOG Gym I did a quick morning HIIT workout.  I am getting back into it after a nice vacation away last week.  Back at it, and it felt pretty good.  Here was the breakdown.  Stay on your grind today!

15 Rounds

1 - Run 30 seconds, Rest 12 seconds
2 - Run 30 seconds, Rest 12 seconds
3 - Run 30 seconds, Rest 12 seconds
4 - Run 30 seconds, Rest 12 seconds
5 - Run 30 seconds, Rest 12 seconds
6 - Kettle Bell Swings 30 seconds, Rest 12 seconds
7 - Run 30 seconds, Rest 12 seconds
8 - Goblet Squats with Dumbbell 30 seconds, Rest 12 seconds
9 - Run 30 seconds, Rest 12 seconds
10 - Kettle Bell Swings 30 seconds, Rest 12 seconds
11 - Run 30 seconds, Rest 12 seconds
12 - Goblet Squats with Dumbbell 30 seconds, Rest 12 seconds
13 - Run 30 seconds, Rest 12 seconds
14 - Kettle Bell Swings 30 seconds, Rest 12 seconds
15 - Run 30 seconds, Rest 12 seconds

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