
Saturday, November 21, 2020

Shoulder Workout 11-20-20


Yesterday's workout of course happened in the morning.  I went through my normal HIIT treadmill workout where you sprint for 30 seconds, and then you rest for 12 seconds, and then you do it again.  You do this for 15 rounds.

Then I went right into shoulders.  Basically the same couple of movements that I like to do, and that I had time for yesterday.  I got into some shoulder dumbbell flies, and also some dumbbell military press.  

Right now, my right shoulder is barking at me a little bit so I am keeping the weight a little lighter, and really concentrating on good form so I don't continue to aggravate anything in the right shoulder joint.

I hope all of you are having success in your workouts right now.  Comment or reply and let me know how you're doing in your workouts.

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