
Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Workout 12-14-2020

Yesterday's workout started off with the traditional HIIT rounds on the treadmill.  I did 15 rounds of the sprint/rest intervals. Then I moved right into some Tricep and Leg work.  Yes I know it might be unconventional, but that is the beauty of having a home gym, you can do whatever the hell you want! LoL.

Big focus on the Leg Curls and Leg Extensions for me is to keep the weight light on the machine, and focus on contracting the muscle.  I get into bad habits at times and let my knees do the work, which puts strain on them.  When I focus on the contraction of the muscle, the knee is taking out of the exercise.

Also did some front or goblet squats with a dumbbell.  Right now, I can tell my back is weak because my form is a bit compromised when squatting.  This will be something I need to focus on throughout the winter.  You need to have a strong back in this exercise in order to keep the back straight while being able to stay planted flat on your feet, preferrably more towards your heals.  You don't want to be on your toes, as this will put strain on the knees.
I have not done these single dumbbell raises in some time.  Sometimes you just follow your normal routine and forget the exercises that are available to you.  This weight is light for me, so I kept it high rep 10-12 and did 6-7 sets.
I did a couple more tricep exercises, the above picture is one of those exercises that is always in my workouts.  I do a couple variations of tricep pushdowns.  I used the straight bar with a little wider grip, and then moved to the V-attachment which allows your hands to be closer together.  I am a big believer in working muscle groups from different angles ofcourse.

More to come as I hit the winter workouts into 2021!  Cheers to the grind and hope all of you are staying committed and driven.

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