
Sunday, January 31, 2021

Sunday winter fishing 1-31-2021

Today was a dreary, cold, wet, windy day.  But, it didn't stop me from heading out in the middle of the day to throw a few lures around.

Air temp was about 37 degrees fahrenheit and really windy.  It rained the last couple of days so the water was very stained.

I threw around a jerkbait for a bit but ofcourse could not get anything started.  I was going to work a Rat-L- Trap that I just recently purchased but decided not to try.  

I did catch a nice crappie on a little orange colored jig with a Zoom shad. I have had some great luck with this setup the last couple of weeks, so it was great to catch one on this rig.

It started to snow and sleet so I let shortly after.  It was fun to get out  of the house today!  Stay Committed, Stay Driven.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Winter fishing fun with the Lil' Shaka January 2021


MLK Day 2021, I used the day to really reflect on what is important to me.  I thought about the people I care about the most in my life. I thought about how I might focus on being a better person, and how to make a more positive impact on my family.

2020 was a tough year for all people in this world with the global pandemic, and very tough for Americans who have endured the chaos of the political atmosphere.

I live for the days when Lil' Shaka and I are fishing together and pulling in the fish!  It truly is a special time when we are able to do this.  MLK day 2021 did not disappoint.  He was able to catch the majority of the fish on this day.  He caught about 11 Crappie, and 1 Largemouth Bass.  I was able to catch a few Crappie on the same rig, and I even caught a few Crappie on my jerkbait rig.  The bite was definitely on.

I was using an H20 Xpress Ultimate Jerk Shad in the 1/2 oz.  The color on this jerkbait is called "Crackle".  This was the first time I have tried a jerkbait, and  did a lot of research with local Youtubers like the Tin Horse Monty  He is local to the area where I fish and he is a very good tournament angler, and he is nice enough to share his experiences with fishing certain situations, conditions, and lures.  He gives great ideas and focuses on helping anglers get better.  It felt good to get a few bites on the jerkbait from some hungry Crappie.  I definitely gained some confidence with this lure, and will definitely be using it in the winter months.  I've been told it works year around too.

I hope all of you had a great MLK day!  Stay Committed, Stay Driven.

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Back in the Gym 1-14-21

All I can tell you guys is that it has been a journey to get back into the gym. With the Covid pandemic now stretching into a year and still going, I can tell you I finally have had enough. I realized just how important it is for me to get a chance to work out in a gym setting. Yes, I have everything I need at home in the Shaka OG basement gym, but I also need the ability to communicate with other humans outside my family! 🤣

This particular gym I go to has hardly anybody going there. I was one of three people that was actually working out in this gym during the afternoon. My plan is to hit this place at least once a week for now. I just need the change of pace and some differentiation.

After I worked out, I realized just how important it is for my mental health. I have been remote working since last March 2020. While I'm completely fortunate and grateful to be working through out this entire time, it can be mentally taxing as a human being to be isolated to one place day in and day out.

I consider myself being very patient during this time of the Covid Pandemic, but now I can tell mentally and physically I'm getting restless. I hope just as any other human being hopes that the world can recover and return to a safe place for humans physically and mentally.

I hope you are all doing great today. Please stay committed and stay driven.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Morning HIIT 1-14-21

Got the 15 round HIIT Workout in the books this morning.

Each round is 30 sec sprint, 12 sec rest

I definitely like doing this in the morning. It gives me energy for the rest of the day. And, I think my metabolism is much higher on these days I start off with HIIT Workouts.

Stay Committed, Stay Driven 🤙🏽

Sunday, January 10, 2021

A cold one for fishing 1-9-2021

The weather yesterday...

It was very cold yesterday out there fishing the ponds.  It only got to 35 degrees Fahrenheit for the day.  At times there were little snow flurries going on.  It was overcast the entire time I was out there. The only bright spot in terms of the weather was that there was not a lot of wind to chill you to the bone.

The Goal...

The goal is ultimately to catch fish!  Or at least that is always the number one goal. But I was realistic yesterday, and I created some additional goals that are important to me. Being consistently outdoors has really given me hope in the Pandemic era.  It gives me life, and regardless of the state of the weather getting a chance to be outside close to nature gives me a sense of calm that I need!  So this was the goal or challenge yesterday:
  • Catch a fish
  • Be outside and breathe the fresh air for a bit
  • Walk the ponds and only use a spinnerbait and swimbait

Goals achieved...

Okay the first goal of catching a fish did not happen.  It was a skunkfest.  Hell, I did not even get a bite.  My choice of lures could be hit and miss, but everything in the winter is a gamble with the fish being suspended and almost in hibernation.  But the second and third goals were achieved!  The goal of only using a spinnerbait and swimbait, yeah it happened. I did get my swimbait snagged one time but managed to get it loose from the tree branch in the water.  And the final goal of getting a chance to be outside and walk the pond well yes that happened too.


I got a chance to play around with the little 3.5 Inch Bluegill Swimbait from H2O Express. I have messed around with swimbaits in the past, but have had no luck.  The only thing I have caught are snags and then eventually lose the expensive lures.  Let me know how you fish these and if you have had success with them.

Monday, January 4, 2021

Monday January 4th 2020 Workout

Just a quick workout today that encompassed a quick HIIT 10 round sprint workout on the treadmill, and also various tricep exercises.  I already showered and changed and I am still sweating!  I am starting a new grind this week which will take me into the spring.  I am hitting the "clean eating" phases.  Cheers to hitting the goal!