
Saturday, January 16, 2021

Back in the Gym 1-14-21

All I can tell you guys is that it has been a journey to get back into the gym. With the Covid pandemic now stretching into a year and still going, I can tell you I finally have had enough. I realized just how important it is for me to get a chance to work out in a gym setting. Yes, I have everything I need at home in the Shaka OG basement gym, but I also need the ability to communicate with other humans outside my family! 🤣

This particular gym I go to has hardly anybody going there. I was one of three people that was actually working out in this gym during the afternoon. My plan is to hit this place at least once a week for now. I just need the change of pace and some differentiation.

After I worked out, I realized just how important it is for my mental health. I have been remote working since last March 2020. While I'm completely fortunate and grateful to be working through out this entire time, it can be mentally taxing as a human being to be isolated to one place day in and day out.

I consider myself being very patient during this time of the Covid Pandemic, but now I can tell mentally and physically I'm getting restless. I hope just as any other human being hopes that the world can recover and return to a safe place for humans physically and mentally.

I hope you are all doing great today. Please stay committed and stay driven.

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