
Sunday, February 28, 2021

The last couple of reps

I hope you are all doing great on this glorious Sunday. The workout yesterday was all about arms, specifically Biceps and Forearms. For this post I'll mention that feeling you get on the last three to four reps that you do particularly in some of the last sets that you do. This is where you really have to push. You have to "embrace the suck". When the body really doesn't want to go anymore. Your mind can always push for a couple more reps. This is where you challenge your body. This is where you build muscle, when you tear it down just a little bit more so your body has to react and repair.

I wish you all great workouts this weekend and into the next week. Stay committed and stay driven.

Friday, February 19, 2021

Tacos Dorados Jalapeno

These will always be my go to. Our favorite Mexican restaurant is now back open to indoor seating. They can be open to 25% capacity. So it is good news that they are back serving customers outside of just the takeout orders. 

Here we are folks about a year into this whole thing. As the vaccinations are getting done, I really hope this year there can be more normal human interactions. Hopefully there are more human activities all of us can be a part of.  

For me, these tacos are a little slice of heaven. Jalapeno fried tacos are the bomb! Stay committed, stay driven.

Saturday, February 13, 2021

The Freddie Freeman Method

So here is the deal...I am engraining a method into this young man's head.  Why?  Because when I was his age, this type of hitting instruction did not exist. "Staying inside the ball"...what does that really mean?  You will hear coaches and instructors talk about that constantly.  And you know what?  They are right!

Importance of staying inside the ball
Keeping your hands inside the ball allows you to keep the barrel of the bat in the strike zone longer.  Players that uppercut or chop down on the ball as it reaches the strike zone don't create an optimal probability for striking the ball in the zone to create a positive outcome that is a hit.  

Players that do this well
If I was to look at the guys that are active in the game today who do this very well, two players come to mind. My opinion is that Freddie Freeman and DJ Lemahieu stay inside the ball very well. It should not surprise you.  If you look at DJ Lemahieu's accomplishments, he has won two batting titles and two silver slugger awards in his career.  If you look at Freddie Freeman, you will see that he is also an elite batting pro.  He has also won two silver slugger awards. This did not happen on accident. Both hitters take a very similar and almost overzealous approach to "staying inside the ball" in their preparation in practice which transfers to the game. And, it has paid off for both of them!

It's not rocket science
It really isn't rocket science. My wife is completely fascinated with the stats, physics, and math equations that exist in baseball. And, it really does come down to the statistics year in and year out.  Putting your bat in the strike zone longer gives you a higher success rate of hitting a ball and getting on base successfully.  It's just math at the end of the day. The picture you see above is DJ Lamahieu NOT getting fooled by a circle changeup getting thrown at him.  He stays perfectly inside the ball and drives the ball to right centerfield for a base hit.  DJ would have been way to early if he was sitting fastball and thinking he was going to pull the ball into the left field stands.  This is the main difference between major league hitters at that level.  He created a hit in a situation that most major league hitters would have swung and missed or had popped up in that situation.

It is discipline
I say it is not rocket science at the plate. If you look at Freddie Freeman in the above hitting session, he takes the same approach that he has taken since he was in high school. Yes it is true that Major Leaguers are able to make adjustments to their game very quickly to be successful, but the best have an ability to stick to what made them successful in the first place.  The greatest don't break from the original foundation.  They know it works.  They may tweak things a little here and there...but the overall approach stays in place. 

It all comes down to discipline.  Only the most elite hitters truly have complete discipline in their approach to everything they do.  The ones that can approach the game in a very methodical, disciplined approach when it comes to practice and in the game situations are the ones that transcend all the other players.

The Conclusion
So what you see in the first picture of Lil' Shaka hitting the ball is him practicing off the tee on hitting an outside strike either to the opposite field or right up the middle of the field. The only way you can make this happen consistently is by really focusing on moving your hands through the strike zone ahead of the barrel of the bat.  Guys like DJ and Freddie are notorious for being obsessed perfectionists around this.  They have committed this exercise to everything they know and will never fray from this work. Ultimately this is what separates them from everybody else.  Lil' Shaka will in fact continue this tradition.  Stay Committed, Stay Driven everybody!

Happy Lunar New Year 2021


Hey did you know that many people in the world celebrate Lunar New Year?  It is basically the first new moon in the lunar calendar.  Last night we celebrated with some of our favorites.  We did some pot stickers, (not pictured) some Huli Huli chicken, and some Aku Aku Punch which is also known by people as a "Scorpion Punch Bowl".  These drinks are "full hop", so be careful! Happy Lunar New Year to you all!

Monday, February 8, 2021

February 2021 Winter Trout Fishing Excursion

 A Multi-Species Day

Let's just start with this you know we didn't get "skunked" or "shut out" in this fishing excursion.  The winter fishing excursion into Southern Missouri was at Maramec Springs Park in St. James, Missouri.  Lil' Shaka had been here one other time with some of our family friends.  This time, I got a chance to go with Lil' Shaka and another one of our family friends, Uncle C.

Rock Bass

Not only did we catch trout, but it turned into a "multi-species" fishing day.  The picture above is a "Goggle Eye" or rock bass.  They have big red eyes which look disproportionate to their bodies.  Really awesome looking fish!  I wish we had these in our local neighborhood pond next to the house.  Below is a picture of another rock bass.  This one is the first one for me!  These little "Goggle Eyes" are fighters.  It was fun to catch them.

I also have to show you a picture of the smallmouth bass that Uncle C caught on a jerkbait.  Check it out below. That was a nice one, probably close to two pounds. Man it was fun to take the pic on that one!

 Okay, final picture to proudly show you is a pic of my first smallmouth bass below.  He was just a little one, but worth recording because this was my first one! It really was a great day of fishing.  We could not have asked for a better outcome of catching different types of fish.

Great Pics, but what did you use?

Should a fisherman tell you all his secrets? Ha Ha, well I can tell you that we were using little Maribou style Jigs, or "Hair Jigs".  I have never used these before and I will definitely be using these again.  Wow, that was fun catching so many species on jigs like this.  In order to cast these little puppies, you need an ultra light fishing pole with something like 2-4 lbs test line.

That's it for now.  We will definitely be going back here soon.  It was a great experience.  Uncle C who has been fishing all these places for most of his life is emparting some of his knowledge to Lil' Shaka and I.  I appreciate his friendship very much.  This is what it is all about.  Stay Committed, Stay Driven.

Friday, February 5, 2021

February 2021 Friday Morning Workout

Hey everybody it was a good morning workout. For some reason it's been tough to get moving in the morning. But for me, it has always been the best time to work out. It feels like I always get the most out of the workouts in the morning and I feel energized the entire day.

This workout was just a HIIT workout between treadmill sprints and kettlebell swings. I rotated between rounds for a total of 15 rounds. I hope you are all doing great today and have a great weekend everybody. Stay committed and stay driven!