
Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Success at "Biggin' pond"

It was a spectacular Sunday! The temperature got up to 66 degrees. More importantly, I was able to connect with this beautiful mama. She chomped on a gold colorado blade spinnerbait in a black and blue color.

Lil' Shaka (my son) call this place Biggin' Pond because we've caught some of the biggest bass out of this pond together. If you follow me, I have a blog post from Thanksgiving weekend in November 2020 where we catch a couple of lunkers out of this pond.

The Drought
Of course, when you catch lunkers, you want to keep trying to catch them so we had fished this pond over and over again for months. From that lucky day in November in 2020 until yesterday in March 2021, we both had not had a single bite! We've tried countless lures...we've looked back at the pictures and at the videos just a reminder ourselves that we actually caught huge bass out of the pond! Hah Hah!

Some Thoughts to Ponder
I did try to do something a little bit different this time when I went out there. The water there right now, is very very clear. You can see your lures very clearly in the water. Maybe 6 ft of visibility is what I'm thinking I experienced.  I tried to stay away from the bank as much as I could.  I was making very long casts that covered quite a bit of area.  Even then, I really had to work and cast many times over.  I am not sure what it was about that big colorado blade but then all of a sudden CHOMP!  Somewhat felt like a snag but set the hook anyways and realized a big bass was on!

I was also able to catch a smaller bass (see above) on a jerkbait which gave me some hope for another day!  I did try and use the jerkbait quite a bit, but only received one bite, and one fish on it.  So, all in all this was a very fun day.  It was great to be able to catch a couple fish after a long drought.  It also re-affirmed that maybe there are additional techniques my son and I can try to give us a better chance.

I hope all of you are doing great today!  Stay Committed, Stay Driven.

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