Mother Nature opened up from the skies over the weekend! I have to say, in 2022 I think this fishing excursion will be one of most memoriable for Lil' Shaka and me. AND, it was really fun! If you are anything like us, you've fished in many types of conditions. Rain, Sleet, Snow, Ice, Sun, Extreme Heat...all of these conditions come into play at different times of the year and this day was no exception.
The picture above is me right after we pulled the Pelican Bass Raider to the boat ramp. The rain was coming down in sheets! The weather report showed this rain coming in, but I did not check my phone while we were fishing. The rain came in about an hour earlier than what it said previously that morning. We were having a great morning catching bass (we were around 20 bass for the session, which is exceptional this time of year). Sure enough, I look up and the skies look like they are about to unleash hell LOL!

I told my son, "No, not one more cast...we gotta go now!" Ha Ha. And, that is what we did. I put the trolling motor in full blast mode and Lil' Shaka also paddled. We were almost to the dock, and then it completely unleashed on us. We dove into the truck to hide from the rain. Maybe we could wait it out? Not so much, it just kept coming down even harder. Ha Ha. To give you an understanding of how much rain was coming down, before we even left the lake, we had to dump the boat on its side (twice) in less than 20 minutes because the boat was full of water. The awesome thing about this monsoon rain is it felt very refreshing against the July heat here in the heartland. You dry off quick.

As for the fishing, like I said it was a 20 bass type of day! Lil' Shaka hit a great learning milestone...he was able to get the hang of throwing weightless, weedless flukes. Flukes in my opinion are one of the deadiest lures or bait that you can thow. If you know how to utilize them and present them in the right way, they can produce for you throughout the year. A lot of your success throwing flukes is with the type of rod you use...I have a cheap Shakespeare Synergy rod that works great for fluke presentation. I just swapped out the spincast real for a nice baitcaster a couple years ago. It is literally the cheapest rod I have and it has produced the most and biggest fish for me. I let him use this pole and bang, he learned it quick and started to catch them!

This specific lake we go to a lot with the Bass Raider is weeded up quite a bit. There isn't much you can throw without getting hung up. So your options during this time of year is anything weedless. I have not perfected the use of the Shakey head worm, but WOW it produced well on this day. I was just flipping it, shaking it, and slow retrieving it through and just above the grass and they were hammering it.
All in all, it was a great morning of fishing, and an even better memory of getting caught in the downpour! Stay Committed, Stay Driven.