
Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Grindin' Again

Sometimes you feel like you need don't feel whole without it.  I have been feeling that way.  The latest workouts while productive, have not produced that "raw feeling", that "pump", that overall feeling that you just abused your body in a good way.

TODAY!  Finally that sense of accomplishment, that sense of putting the body to the limit, and that overall pump came back.  So much so that I felt like writing about it.  It's defintely the reason why many people workout, it is for that pump.  When people say they workout to break anxiety, nervousness, or fear...this is why they do it.  

The human body was meant to work.  It was meant to be pushed.  It was built to be used!  I didn't feel all that great in the morning, but now that I got this workout crushed at lunchtime, whatever that was in the morning just got pushed out of my brain.

I hope you are all having a great Holiday Season.  This can be a tough time of year for everybody.  The stress of everything.  I say today, workout...let that float away...and then keep going!  Stay Committed, Stay Driven.

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