
Sunday, September 10, 2023

September 2023 Day was Fire For The Bass


The fishing was FIRE just two days ago after work. As you can see I was pulling them out left and right. These are all different fish I caught and photographed before releasing back. None of the bass were that big, but it was still fun to catch them! We've hit that transition time in the year. It is still summer, but the nights have been colder. I am thinking the water temps are a bit lower too. The BIG WORM BITE is gone, as I keep trying without any takers. The inline spinners are getting it done right now in the neighborhood pond. The bass are definitely on the chase. The bass also bit a on a jig with a Speed Craw trailer. I then moved to a texas-rigged Speed Craw by itself and got more bites just by dragging the bottom. 

I like this time of year because it is still hot and sunny outside but the air is becoming crispy and dry. The bass aren't as easy to catch this time of year either, so it becomes a great opportunity to figure out the pattern and have a record day! Although, it is not every day that I actually figure out the pattern, but on this day...IT DID! 

Tight Lines to all of you!

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Early September 2023 Fishing Thoughts


I am a researcher at heart. I get inspired by seeing how others do it. I scour the internet just like everybody else. An angler I have always liked is the "GMAN", Gerald Swindle. He a pro bass fisherman who has won 26 Bassmaster tournaments, including the 2000 Bassmaster Classic. He is a member of the Bass Fishing Hall of Fame and is considered one of the greatest bass anglers of all time. The thing about Gerald is that he is probably more popular not for his fishing, but for his ability to speak on fishing. He has a lot of charisma and can tell a story in a way that resonates with anglers. Here is one of the latest videos GMAN Late Summer Bass Tactics I checked into that gave me some ideas for my latest fishing excursion. A lot of what he said in that video played out very well for me.

I caught 9 total bass on this day. Above are a few shots. I like to take shots of all my fish catches before I release them back. Kind of like the Predator recording his trophies...difference is I throw them back Ha Ha! Here are some thoughts on why I had success, based on GMAN's video:

-Late summer means bass have seen every lure. Change it up, don't let them get a good look at the bait..."Churn and Burn Mentality"...try throwing something moving, and more try bringing it back faster than you normally do...Well, this worked out very well. Inline spinnner was working very well when I brought it back at a faster pace. This is something I would never have thought of before.

-Put down the Big Worm. You can get bit on it still, but bass can be lethargic for something like the worm at this time in the year. Well, that is my GO TO! So this is not easy to do for me. I can have the tendancy to be that guy who would stick with what he knows, and cast and cast and cast without a bite. I am not saying I did not try a worm but I can tell you I definitely did not get bit this time 😁

-When in doubt, fish the JIG. GMAN is known for his ability to catch fish year around with Jigs. I threw on a jig with a speed craw trailer. Color combo is a bit different. More of an orange brown jig with a dark red speed craw combo. I was able to catch a few on this setup and focused on bringing it back it bit faster than I normally would do.

So, I know I will never be a pro bass fisherman like the GMAN any time soon, but it is DAMN FUN implementing a plan and having success! Who knows maybe I win a win a Bassmaster tournament one day, or at least finish in the top five in a local kids fishing tournament 😆

Tight Lines To All Of You!