
Shaka OG Ideas About Working Out

If you are just starting out, and your goal is to gain muscle...there is a specific type of workout mentality you need to have.  You need to incorporate the ideas and thoughts that follow below.

Check Your Ego at the Door

You will see a ton of dudes in the gym that try to lift "way to much" weight on specific exercises or movements.  Their form is terrible because they pushing or pulling too much weight to do the exercise correctly.

Slow and Controlled

Never bounce the weight off your chest, or "go through the motions".  Slower is better.  Feel the muscle contract.  Try and build what they call the mind/muscle connection.  "Think" about the muscle while you are doing the exercise.


Generally, you want to do 4-6 sets per movement, and keep it lighter so you can complete between 8-12 reps for each set you do.  You will see a lot of information out there on different types of workouts.  

You can look at programs like "Push/Pull" programs.  Essentially, what you want to do is come up with a good strategy around how you split up your exercises.  You want to look at splitting up major muscle groups.  I don't normally do back and legs on the same day.  Most people will commit an entire workout to just legs or back based on the number of movements that will be done in a workout.

You can change this up and experiment.  That is the beauty of working out.  Find out what is best for you.  Sometimes I do back and biceps together.  Sometimes I do back and triceps together.  Change it up!  Keep a variety going.

Strength Training

You will see guys in the gym with A LOT of weight on barbells, dumbells, weight stacks...notice they are not doing a lot of reps.  They are doing quite a bit of sets but lower reps.  They might start out doing 10-15 reps in early sets just to warm up, but then they start to increase the weight a lot and lower the number of reps.  Popular styles in Strength Training revolves around Pyramid workouts.

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